Risk factors and timing of subsequent cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in patients with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: a retrospective cohort study


Marla Rodriguez, BS • Brandon T. Beal, MD • Manisha Manmohan, MD • Isaac N. Briskin, MA • Thomas Knackstedt, MD • Allison T. Vidimos, MD, RPh Published: August 26, 2020 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaad.2020.08.083 Abstract Background Information about the frequency and timing of subsequent cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC), along with associated risk factors, is limited. However, … Read more

Non-compliance with surgical margin guidelines is associated with histologic margin positivity: a retrospective case-control study


Journal Pre-proof Non-compliance with surgical margin guidelines is associated with histologic marginpositivity: a retrospective case-control study Brandon T. Beal MD • David Xiong MD • Marla Rodriguez BS • Vamsi Varra BS • Hannah Cundall BS • Lanee Simmons BS • Neil Woody MD • Shlomo A. Koyfman MD • Allison T. Vidimos MD, RPh … Read more

Outcomes in intermediate-risk squamous cell carcinomas treated with Mohs micrographic surgery compared with wide local excision


David D. Xiong, BS • Brandon T. Beal, MD • Vamsi Varra, BS • Allison T. Vidimos, MD, RPh • Shlomo A. • Koyfman, MD • Thomas J. Knackstedt, MD Background Brigham and Women’s Hospital stage T2a squamous cell carcinomas, demonstrating a single high-risk feature, have a low risk of metastasis and death but an … Read more

Patients’ Body Image Improves After Mohs Micrographic Surgery for Nonmelanoma Head and Neck Skin Cancer


Dermatologic Surgery. 44(11):1380–1388, NOVEMBER 2018DOI: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000001537,PMID: 29846341Issn Print: 1076-0512Publication Date: November 2018 Brandon Beal;Emily White;Anit Behera;Amy Zavell;Ashley McGuinness;Holly Blangger;Eric Armbrecht;Ian Maher; Abstract BACKGROUND  Most skin cancers occur on the head and neck, areas of the body that are significant to an individual’s body image (BI) perception. Poor BI is a robust risk factor for depression … Read more

Guide to ID at-risk patients


A recent study explored varying statistical approaches to a metastatic risk model for identifying SCC tumors at high risk of metastasis. Researchers identified six risk factors. A recent study put forth the first metastatic risk model for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC), a utility that could significantly help clinicians better identify which patients may be … Read more

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